Stance Number Form Notes
Stance 0 Caster Default Stance, never changes
Stance 1 Ability racial bearform [ Bear Form ] never changes
Stance 2 Ability druid aquaticform [ Aquatic Form ] never changes
Stance 3 Ability druid catform [ Cat Form ] never changes
Stance 4 Ability druid travelform [ Travel Form ] never changes
Stance 5 Spell nature forceofnature [ Moonkin Form ] or Tree of Life (druid ability) When available, they are stance 5.
Stance 5 or 6 Ability druid flightform [ Flight Form ] or Ability druid flightform [ Swift Flight Form ] If Spell nature forceofnature [ Moonkin Form ] or Tree of Life (druid ability) is available, theses are stance 6. Otherwise, they will be stance 5.

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